
Go plastic free to “protect” your business, new report says

Proactively transitioning away from plastic is a strategic move to maintain profitability and competitiveness, a new report from PlasticFree and Fashion Snoops argues.“The Post-Plastic Economy” report states that over the next decade, the world’s relationship with plastic will become “unrecognisable”.The … Read More

7 in 10 Brits want the next government to implement a DRS

A coalition of environmental organisations, including Keep Britain Tidy and Reloop, are calling on all political parties to back bottle deposit schemes in upcoming General Election manifestos.7 in 10 Britains support the introduction of a deposit return scheme (DRS), polling … Read More

Retraining workers for the AI world

Last month, JPMorgan Chase announced that all its new hires would receive training in the use of artificial intelligence — promising that such a move would help staff to eliminate repetitive “no joy work” and boost productivity and revenues.“This year, … Read More

Firms are wasting hundreds of hours every year just renewing software purchases

Business leaders are becoming heavily bogged down in managing software contracts, wasting hundreds of hours per year, according to new research. Analysis from Vertice shows firms are wasting 26 hours per month in meetings simply to buy or renew SaaS … Read More

New Years Clear Out: Essential Tips for Businesses to Kickstart the New Year

As we usher in a new year, it’s the perfect time for businesses to reflect, reset, and prepare for a successful year ahead. The start of a new year presents a valuable opportunity to declutter, optimize processes, and set the … Read More

Leveraging Instagram for Business: Tips for Success

Instagram has become a powerhouse platform for businesses to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. With over a billion active monthly users, it presents a tremendous opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with a wide … Read More

Transforming Your Business with AI 

Embracing AI isn’t just a technological shift; it’s a mindset change. Those who leverage AI to its full potential will lead the way in innovation and sustainable growth. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is … Read More

The Benefits of Tech Subscriptions for Businesses

As businesses seek to optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and drive innovation, the adoption of tech subscriptions has emerged as a strategic enabler. Here are key benefits of leveraging tech subscriptions for business growth and success: Scalability and Flexibility: Tech … Read More

How Remote Work Can Affect the Circular Economy

The rise of remote work in recent times has significantly impacted how we operate professionally, but it has also presented us with a unique opportunity to contribute to the circular economy and sustainability efforts. By embracing remote work, organizations and … Read More

The Power of Collaboration: Building a Sustainable Future Together

In the face of escalating environmental challenges, it’s become increasingly clear that collaboration is the key to achieving a sustainable future. No single entity or individual can tackle these complex issues alone. Let’s explore how effective collaboration can drive meaningful … Read More

Supporting Remote Employees: Building Connections and Nurturing Success

As remote work continues to soar in popularity, organizations are recognizing the importance of providing robust support for their remote employees. By fostering a supportive and engaging environment, businesses can empower their remote workforce to thrive and contribute to the … Read More