green tech

Veolia launches feasibility study of “UK’s first” carbon capture tech

The project has been developed to produce green fuels by capturing, extracting and purifying CO2. Veolia said the process can create synthetic green end products, such as eKerosene, eMethanol and speciality chemical produc Engineered by Veolia’s in-house design teams, the … Read More

 Circular Technology: What it is?

The concept of circular technology has emerged as a pivotal driver of responsible innovation and environmental stewardship. With a focus on minimizing waste, maximizing resource efficiency, and reimagining product lifecycles, circular technology represents a paradigm shift that holds the potential … Read More

(AI) A Smart Approach to Work

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a smart and strategic approach to optimizing productivity, efficiency, and decision-making across various industries. From streamlining processes to unlocking insights, AI represents a transformative force in reshaping the future of work. … Read More

Why technology can be the key to an innovative future

As we stand at the intersection of technology and innovation, it is undeniable that the future of business and leadership is being reshaped by the transformative power of technology. From driving efficiency to fostering a culture of continuous innovation, technology … Read More

How Technology Can Elevate Your Leadership in Business

Technology has become an integral tool for leaders to propel their organizations forward. Embracing and leveraging technology can empower leaders to make informed decisions, drive efficiency, and foster a culture of innovation within their teams. As we navigate the digital … Read More

How COP28 is Impacting the World

As the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) unfolds, it is clear that this pivotal event is having a profound impact on the world. At this critical juncture, leaders from around the globe are coming together to address the urgent … Read More

3D organs developed in space and cells that create energy: The future of health-tech

Healthcare has never looked like this before. Researchers are trying to create new hearts, livers and lungs on demand. Tiny nanorobots might one day live within us, obliterating viruses or cancer cells as they emerge. Sooner than this, implanted devices … Read More

66% of Welsh public wants glass to remain in DRS

The poll of 1025 adults in Wales aged 16 and over was conducted by YouGov between 25 – 29 September 2023. According to the poll, 60% of Welsh adults said they believed the scope of the scheme should be consistent … Read More

Green-Tech Revolution: Driving Sustainability in the UK

Incredible advancements and opportunities in green-tech that are shaping a sustainable future in the UK. Let’s dive into the exciting world of green technology! 1. Renewable Energy Innovations: The UK is witnessing a remarkable shift towards renewable energy sources. Wind … Read More

Recycling And Reuse? Ways To Win The War On Waste

No one can question that we have a global problem with food and beverage waste. The numbers show the scale of how much food and money is wasted annually. According to The World Counts website, roughly one third, or about … Read More

Reduce Your Home Energy Carbon Footprint

Reducing your home’s energy consumption not only helps you save money on utility bills but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. By making a few simple changes, you can significantly reduce your home’s carbon footprint and make … Read More

Ways IT can create a sustainable transition

The circular economy holds immense potential for creating a sustainable future, and IT stands at the forefront of enabling this transition. Here are some of the most significant ways it has impacted the world and its future: Enhancing Supply Chain … Read More