
Retraining workers for the AI world

Last month, JPMorgan Chase announced that all its new hires would receive training in the use of artificial intelligence — promising that such a move would help staff to eliminate repetitive “no joy work” and boost productivity and revenues.“This year, … Read More

UK quantum computing ambitions need a ‘pro-innovation’ regulatory approach akin to AI

The UK government is being urged to take a light touch when regulating quantum technologies, with the Regulatory Horizons Council recommending a ‘pro-innovation’ approach akin to that in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. In a new report, the RHC called … Read More

Firms are wasting hundreds of hours every year just renewing software purchases

Business leaders are becoming heavily bogged down in managing software contracts, wasting hundreds of hours per year, according to new research. Analysis from Vertice shows firms are wasting 26 hours per month in meetings simply to buy or renew SaaS … Read More

What is a green data center and why are they attracting big investment?

Green data centers are fast becoming the norm and not the exception in enterprise data center portfolios, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid. That’s because IT leaders face more pressure than ever to integrate sustainable practices into data center … Read More

What is a digital apprenticeship and should your firm take on apprentices?

Digital apprenticeships can benefit companies and employees alike, addressing the IT skills gap and smoothing the onboarding process.The UK’s issues with IT skills and productivity are well-documented and one potential solution can be found in digital apprenticeships. As a lever … Read More

 Circular Technology: What it is?

The concept of circular technology has emerged as a pivotal driver of responsible innovation and environmental stewardship. With a focus on minimizing waste, maximizing resource efficiency, and reimagining product lifecycles, circular technology represents a paradigm shift that holds the potential … Read More

Why technology can be the key to an innovative future

As we stand at the intersection of technology and innovation, it is undeniable that the future of business and leadership is being reshaped by the transformative power of technology. From driving efficiency to fostering a culture of continuous innovation, technology … Read More

New Years Clear Out: Essential Tips for Businesses to Kickstart the New Year

As we usher in a new year, it’s the perfect time for businesses to reflect, reset, and prepare for a successful year ahead. The start of a new year presents a valuable opportunity to declutter, optimize processes, and set the … Read More

Leveraging Instagram for Business: Tips for Success

Instagram has become a powerhouse platform for businesses to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. With over a billion active monthly users, it presents a tremendous opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with a wide … Read More

Transforming Your Business with AI 

Embracing AI isn’t just a technological shift; it’s a mindset change. Those who leverage AI to its full potential will lead the way in innovation and sustainable growth. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is … Read More

Boosting Remote Productivity: Harnessing the Power of Apps for Home-Based Work

As remote work becomes the new norm, the need for efficient and streamlined workflows has never been more crucial. Fortunately, a plethora of apps are at our disposal to make the work-from-home experience not only productive but enjoyable. Here’s a … Read More

How To Improve Social Life Working Remotely

Adapting to the remote work environment has undoubtedly transformed the way we operate professionally, but it has also presented us with new opportunities to enhance our social connections and well-being. Here are some strategies to improve social life while working … Read More